Altadena Community Preservation Fund (ACPF) provides direct cash assistance in the form of bridge grants to Altadena homeowners, small business owners and local organizations (e.g., schools, libraries, churches) displaced by the Eaton Fire. By providing bridge funding for Altadena residents’ immediate and mid-term needs —including temporary housing, hiring independent adjusters, legal fees, administrative costs —the fund helps to ensure that recipients can navigate recovery on their own terms.

The fund’s goal is to give the Altadena community support that allows long-time residents, small business owners, and community leaders to return to their neighborhoods and helps prevent families from being forced to sell their properties or become victims of economic exploitation.

Who qualifies for funding?

Homeowners, businesses and nonprofit organizations in the historic districts of Altadena, with high concentrations of generational homes, residents with limited net wealth, and residents over 65 years old. These have been identified as U.S. Census Tracts: 4602, 4603.01, 4603.02 and 4610.

What is the eligibility criteria?

  • Homeowners who experienced full loss of home within the designated US Census Tracts and fit at least one of the below criteria:
    • Uninsured or underinsured, including those on the California FAIR Plan 
    • Limited net wealth as determined by LA County means testing parameters
    • Senior citizens (65+) 
  • Small business owners (as defined by LA County) who had business locations within the designated U.S. Census Tracts and experienced full loss of their primary business property.
  • Community organizations with locations within the designated U.S. Census Tracts and are planning to reopen or resume services.
Key Dates
  • Monday, March 17 – Applications open
  • Wednesday, April 16 – Disbursements begin
Logo Symbolism
The logo features the California Poppy which is widely used as a symbol for the Altadena area. The logo was rendered in an organic handmade—almost Matisse-like—style to represent the people this fund will be directly helping. The 3 poppies intertwine to symbolize the community coming together. The logo and brand identity were created pro bono by 160over90.
Disbursement note

Currently working across government officials and federal guidance to determine exact funding amount per recipient based on eligibility criteria for other disaster relief programs and tax / public benefit implications. Number of recipients will be determined by fundraising efforts.

Altadena Community Preservation Fund is a component fund of CCF Community Initiatives Fund (CCF-CIF), a supporting organization of the California Community Foundation. Contributions to CCF-CIF represent irrevocable gifts subject to the legal and fiduciary control of the foundation’s board of directors. Donors to Altadena Community Preservation Fund will receive a tax acknowledgment letter from CCF-CIF upon making a completed gift.
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